Tuesday, January 31, 2012

day 24, stage 6

Today wasn't as bad as the other days. Breakfast was hamburgers and eggs. Everyone ate nicely. Girls were more focused today. I ended up with a handful of nuts this morning. Badly, they were not soaked. Lunch I made a kinda curry, beef, carrots, chard and brocoli. It was also good and ended up being dinner also. But for dinner we did add in some soaked cashews. It was really good. Soaked nuts taste so much better. They really do. I felt a little bit better today. It wasn't horrible. I have a feeling that it is going to be hard to blog while we are at the conference. And I have a feeling it is going to be a cheat three days. It is hard being at those things without cheating. They are also feeding us a meal each day. I don't know we will see. I hope that at least most of it isn't gluten. I think I have finally lost my taste for that nasty stuff. When we went to Ruby Tuesdays they gave us biscuits. I saw Jack try a bite and he said they were gross. Coated his mouth and felt so gross. So I put a tiny bite in my mouth and sure enough, GROSS. The last few times I have tried things, I even tried a belgium waffle and it was gross. This was like something I totally loved before. I have to wonder if there is anything that would taste good to me. Biscuits and gravy, glutenwise, not gf, gf still tasted good to me, but the gluten version, bad. Interesting, isn't it? I mean if it were good for me then it would probably still taste good, right? But it doesn't. Okay, maybe girl scout cookies. Sigh. Somoas.... Okay, maybe I am craving something indulegent. I think that is what it is. I want something creamy. I really want to start kefir. Sigh. Summary Me: not as bad, craving and I have a bit of a stuffy nose. I am not sure if this is because Oreo has been all over me today, the warm weather or something else. We will see. Jack: Good amount of food, no cravings, energy level good till afternoon then tired, picked up after eating dinner. Irritable. No problem with nuts so far. Natalie: Good. Tiny bit of problems with nuts. Stomach issues. Okay energy, not a whole lot. Worked for a long time int he garden. Layla: Okay energy, slight problem with unsoaked nuts. Gwendy: good. No problems.

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