Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 20, stage 5?

So it is a day late. Yesterday was fun. We went back to the auction. We thought we would only be there again until lunch. Not so. I didn't get anything to eat for breakfast because Jack went to work and I was in charge of getting everyone ready and out the door. Gwendy left the rest of her breakfast at home. We thought she brought it with her, but she didn't. So at lunch when we thought we were going to leave, and then we weren't, well the girls were hungry. In fact Gwendy was hungry, not surprisingly, at like 10. All in all yesterday the girls ate I think five hamburger patties from the food cart thingie. By the way, they look really weird at you when you ask for a hamburger without the bun. So 4:00 came and the auction was done, but we still needed to load. The people from DR have a really nice trailer. The issue was that the people who could drive it needed to get back in a half hour. So after a lot of thinking I ended up driving them back and Jack stayed and loaded up the trailer, he can drive the DR truck. So then it starts snowing on the way home. Bad. By the time I got to DR we had a good bit of snow. The girls were hungry, Gwendy was sleeping. After calling Jack I found that they hadn't even started to load the truck. We were going to stay at DR and wait for Jack. But decided that with no food, and not knowing when Jack would actually make it there that we would just go home. So we did. It took me twice as long as the roads were crappy. I hate driving in the snow. It also didn't help that Jack had loaded the truck in such a way that I was worried to turn fast. We did make it home in one piece though. The girls, even though they were hungry were really great yesterday. Well, Gwendy had moments. Quite a few, but to be expected. It was a long day with tons of people and mommy and daddy telling her not now, they were trying to bid. Jack ended up staying the night at DR, rather than try and brave the roads again. Ziggy and April I guess made him dinner. I have no idea what they had, but I am pretty sure it wasn't quite legal. We had kalua pork again when we got home. Yesterday was very meat heavy. I was so worried though about Jack driving I could not eat. After I heard that he got safely to DR, I made myself some hot water with brandy and honey. It helped a lot. I had a massive headache and could not get warm. I was really stressed. The brandy helped though. I did have a few bites of food, but really could not eat. It was a day. Not really a fun one, but we survived.

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