Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 10, stage 3

I'm sick. Since I'm sick, my stomach is upset. I do really think it is more die off though. I could be wrong, but it just is not how I usually get sick. Pretty miserable though. Today we are going to try avocado. Yea!!! It will be good I think to have more fat in our diets. I have used all of our coconut milk, sadly. There isn't any place local to buy it either. I am seeing how hard it is to do GAPs somewhere rural. You just can't go to the store and buy coconut flour, or good honey, or much really. We don't even have organic veggies. It about kills me. Breakfast went well. I feel like crap and my energy is super low and I am snappy. Oddly, the girls are doing better. We might finish school in record time today. Then I will go and lay down. I just feel mega crappy. I tortured myself by going and looking at recipes that we can't have for a long time. I would be happy to have some gaps treats right now. But I also know that this probably being the "die off flu" that it would just make me more miserable. I just feel bad because right now the girls aren't being bad at all and I just don't have the patience today. I'm hungry and don't feel like cooking. I mean before it was a lot of work because my day was spent doing dishes, homeschooling and cooking, but now? It is so much more. I know part of it is feeling sick too, but I feel done. I should be making us more food. I should especially since all I can think of is that Joan has reeses in the cupboard. Just finding it hard to have the motivation to do it. I was so hopeful today that Jack was coming home early. Instead he came home at lunch for a little bit and went back to work. I want snack food, nothing that I have to work so hard for. Something easy and tasty. It isn't even so much that I want junk, I would be happy with a handful of nuts. Mostly I don't want to prepare what I am going to eat. So there. I'm going to stop writing for now so I don't end up anymore negative. I survived. I feel a little bit better emotionally than I did earlier. Not so much physically. We went shopping and we got some cabbages and Jack and the girls made sauerkraut. It is a good thing. We will have our last of the biokult tomorrow and have to get on having probiotics. Gwendy is eating like a mad woman. It is good. Actually all the girls are eating tons. I'm so happy about that. They all have tons of energy. Jack and I are not as hungry and don't have as much energy. We are doing alright now. I will say not as hungry means we are eating 3 to 4 meals a day and having about one good serving at each meal. The girls however are eating 2-3 servings each meal. It is really nice to see them eating so much. They, while having some issues sometimes, are actually having more time each day where they are nice. Where they are the children I remember. Not that they were horrible or anything, they so aren't. But they are having more and more time where I can tell that they are more in control of their emotions. Which makes a big difference. I don't expect them to not be upset with each other. I don't expect them to always play nice. But to calmly work out something instead of just thinking about themselves. Gwendy is having more problems with this than any of them, which doesn't surprise me. Natalie is also regressing a little in her mouth thing, but I expected that also. We did have some avocado at dinner tonight. Along with ground beef and liver with peas and carrots. The girls drank their broth so it was a more meal than soup. Yes, I know, we need to drink our broth also. I just wasn't even hungry. I have been drinking so much that I think I have very little room for more things in my belly. The girls and I had coconut oil twice today, 1/2t each time. I know this could be contributing to my die off, but I want to keep it up unless I end up with die off for the next week. But yeah, 10 days in, it is a much different experience than last time. I feel much better about my intro stages. I will type them out tomorrow, it is almost 8 and we need to get ready for bed. Summary Me: bad bad day. But I can stay positive enough to think that even a bad day can mean good things. I feel that hopefully once this passes I will feel better than I did before. Jack: very busy day. Not hungry. Low patience. Evening stomach ache after lunch. Natalie: good. I didn't have a problem with avocados. High energy. A little bit sleepy. Layla: Avocado is delicious. Hungry. Getting enough food. Slight tummy ache, when I started eating.No headaches. Gwendy: No tummy ache. My foot was sleepy. (she has been VERY HUNGRY) Tired.

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