Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 2, stage one

So we had turkey stock going from the night before. We also knew that today could be pretty bad. In our experience the second day has always been the worse. Layla woke up and since the last time we did this she ended up with a little bit of ginger tea with honey in it, she had vomited and was horribly shaking. Anyway, since she knew that was a possibility she woke up and played it for all she could. Except she wasn't shaky and she was mostly fine. So we got our food going. Amazingly, after I told them I didn't believe them they all got to getting ready for the day, cleaning up the table for homeschool and washing some dishes. We sat down to some turkey soup and I put the roast in the oven for later in the day. I felt very put together and very positive. Homeschooling went well. My headache from the day before was gone. I felt so much better with that headache gone. Layla did end up with something interesting. She had a face rash. It was also itchy. It was there off and on throughout the day. It did go away on day three though. Natalie off and on complained of a headache and layed down a few times during the day. For the most part though the girls all did well. While I found myself slightly low on patience I did feel more energized, which I did not expect. Gwendy, about halfway through the day, started to feel like she did not want anymore soup. I will say that we all had a few spoons of coconut concentrate. It tasted amazing. I probably over did it, okay I know I over did it. I am much better at being hardcore with other people and when it comes to food I have no self control. Anyway, it was in all a good day. We did find out that Jack had not only not eaten any breakfast but forgot his soup to take to work. He ended up coming home at lunch eating a bowl and then taking a thermos filled with soup. He looked horrible though when he got home. I felt very bad. He doesn't like coconut and while I felt it really helped us, getting more fat in, he didn't really have a good option. He did end up drinking a small glass of brandy. As night wore on, I found my stomach disagreeing with me, too much coconut. I was having a hard time sleeping, and then was woken up by Layla who told me that Gwendy had thrown up. Jack and I went to check on her and couldn't find anything. She drank some water, a bit of water and then went back to sleep. I could not fall back to sleep, my stomach was giving me issues and I was feeling pretty crappy. I should have had some soup. I ended up on the computer in hopes of getting tired again. Well, Gwendy ended up waking up again and vomiting. We found that it wasn't really vomit, her sinuses had been draining down her throat and that was what she vomited along with all the water we gave her. What a fun night. Gwendy kept saying that she felt fine, just her throat hurt. She went right back to sleep and then so did I. It wasn't the best night and day, but we did fine. summary Me: felt pretty energetic, but took it pretty slow as I didn't want to all of sudden crash. Obviously had some issues sleeping and with some self control. Jack: slightly nauseous, hungry, very low energy, felt better after a shower. Natalie: Craving chocolate, dates and honey. Had headaches, pretty bad headaches with light sensitivity and all. Didn't have any problem eating soup. Layla: Nauseous, weak, shaky but then felt better after sleeping a little more. Some cravings. Gwendy: was a little sick, she also slept in the car again that evening for about 2 hours. She still went to bed just fine. In fact she went to bed early. It was pretty amazing as none of my kids have been great sleepers.

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