Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 8, stage 2

Cooking a casserole! Everyone has woken up slightly better today. A little still bit grumpy, but decent. I have to admit that I woke up with the feeling like I had low blood sugar, I feel shaky, but my hands are steadier than I have seen them except for when I was on GAPs before. But I feel it. Jack and mine's stomach is better. I think we are going to hold off on the cauliflower for a little bit though. I realize that we are going to kinda do our own intro and I should write it down so I have the stages right. I will probably work on that today and see where we are. We have decided to go to another conference. We are trying to figure out what food we can bring and how to make it easier. I expect it isn't going to be easy, but hopefully we will do our best and being that far into it won't bother us much if we end up with some stuff we aren't supposed to have. Hopefully we will also have a bunch of kombucha by then to bring and that should help a lot too. I am seeing something in Gwendy that I am seeing in myself also. Since we introduced fermented veggies we have both been craving. Odd and I don't remember it happening before. It doesn't seem like die off, so it is confusing me. There was no sugar in the ferments and they have been fermenting for like 6 months. Gwendy is having a rough day, whining, craving, not wanting to eat anything but pickles. The casserole was wonderful. Really really wonderful. Everyone's mood improved after eating it too. Amazing, isn't it? The only problem I have now is that no one wants soup tonight!!! Aggg!!! I am hoping I can make it good. That is the problem that once you add in something it is hard to go back on what is supposed to be your staple. I am hopeful. Jack took the girls to the laundry mat. It is nice to be home by myself though and weekly trips to the laundry mat have been nice, either me going by myself, Jack going by himself, well, there are many options and they are all good. Anyway, I recently checked our kombucha, like 5 minutes ago. OMGess!! I will have Layla taste to check for sure, but I am pretty damn sure it is ready. Which is good. I would like to start drinking it. I think the girls would like it too. There is a big difference in us while we are drinking it. We have so much more energy. I feel like totally energized right now after a spoonful. Great stuff. So I am excited :) Definitely noticed a difference in my energy after just that tiny bit of kombucha. Layla says that she thinks it needs a little bit longer, but everyone else agrees that it is way done. We are having a light dinner of stock and squash. I want everyone to get a good amount of stock since we just had some broth today. I did put a little bit of coconut milk in it to see if that is what Jack had a problem with last night or if it was the cauliflower. The girls and I had some in our tea today, it was tasty and I think it helped up not be so hungry. I do have a slight headache now. I think it is from either coconut milk or kombucha. It is nothing bad. Or it could also be that I am finally not stuffy and the air in here is dry and drying out my nose. Very real possibility Gwendy again is having some severe issues now. I hope she feels better soon. Everyone else ate dinner well. I think she is tired. Very tired. Summary: Me: To be honest I have no idea. The last hour of Gwendy being upset has fried my brain. Besides that I think today has been a decent day. sigh Jack: Fantastic meal of non soupy. Energy levels okay through the day. Patience better than average. Not very hungry. No stomach upset. Natalie: good I wanted to eat not good stuff for me. and that is pretty much it. Oh I was fine with buchy and roast, and vegetables and pickles. Layla: Tummy ache while eating food, from buchy maybe. Like any cravings, but craving stuff that later on we could have on gaps. Sleepy. Oh! I pooped!!! twice. Gwendy: bad. everybody has been mean to me. I didn't like grinding mushy stuff, like squash, butternut squash. Every small day everyone bes mean to me. And I don't like stuff that is and I can't eat. (This breaks my heart. I know it is because she is tired though. She just keeps repeating herself.

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