Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 1, stage one

I am working behind here. Today is actually day three, but I am backtracking a little. So we woke up on Sunday after getting home from a conference the night before. We were already a little behind because our turkey was not thawed. So we cut off some meat from the turkey and made more of a meat broth to which we added some carrots and broccoli. I admit, and it is slightly funny, that even that morning Jack and I were short with each other. Amazing what food can do to your body, though that is the point on this diet. All of us ate our bowls of soup and they all tasted GOOD. We were surprised since last time it was so hard to eat soup. So hard. It starts to get old real quick. We knew from the last time that we did GAPs that the best thing to do was to keep eating soup and lots of it. To really fill ourselves and not get hungry. The problem was that we had a meeting later in the day and we were driving a friend to the train station. So we packed up two thermoses of soup took some spoons and bowls. We were prepared and we weren't going to succumb to any temptation. Except Jack forgot one of the thermoses and it turns out that both of our thermoses are broken, by the time we got to opening the soup it was cold. Not very tasty. But we were hungry. So we ate it anyway. There wasn't enough for all of us to get a full serving in. The girls each had a cup and Jack and I split one. I admit I had a freaking massive headache. Like I felt like I was going to die. Very likely sugar withdrawal. Since we were driving and then going to the store and I didn't want to die in the store, okay I can be melodramatic:), I ate a date. One date. Oh fail, first day. It didn't even help. Fricken date. It did help though in the fact that I realized unless I was going to just not be on the diet and go back to eating not as great stuff, my head was just going to hurt. Period. So I lived with it. Doesn't mean I didn't complain about it and tell the kids to please stop singing. But I lived with it. We went shopping and I didn't die. We made it home and we were all still hungry. Even though it was eight, I ended up making more soup and we ate late and went to bed a little late. End of the day summary Me, headache, horrid headache. I also didn't have much patience and had a hard time finding my words. I was upset over having to cook and not getting the help I needed. I did realize though that I wasn't asking for any help and tried to be more clear. I slept well though and even though I cheated felt pretty good about how the day went. Jack: wasn't too bad, hungry, didn't have enough food. Cranky. Natalie: Had some cravings in the early morning, probably because we were so late getting food in them and late evening, probably because she had to eat cold soup. Maybe a little more short and mean with her sisters, but it is hard to tell since if one of them is off, it kinda throws the whole thing. Natalie seemed to me at least to be doing the best out of all of them. Layla: Layla says she had some cravings, mostly wanting sweets. maybe had a little headache Gwendy: Gwendy says she felt good. She was tired, she slept for the ride to the train and then to the store, about an hour and then on the way home, about 45 minutes. She also went to bed pretty well. Not what I expected. But Gwendy was sick from the conference. She was snotty the day before. We did not notice her being very sick that day though.

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