Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 11, stage 3

So this morning bad. I am just not up for some stuff. It is just really hard sometimes to get school going, food going, wash the dishes, get kids dressed, get them to stop fighting about where they are going to sit, all of it. Too much. Today we ended up moving the table. I was so tired of the fighting about where people were going to sit. So tired of it. I realized how weak and crappy I felt. There have been some really good moments, really good, but I think it is mostly where I am right now and my inability to handle things that is making it so hard for me. I still feel like crap. In some ways better, my nose is not running quite as much. My head hurts more and I have some body aches. Moving the table slightly exhausted me. Yesterday I said I would post my stages for intro. These are just how I figured it would work best for us. Mostly going off of what we saw last time. Stage 1 soup, biokult, ferment juice, fclo Stage 2 soup, biokult, ferments, fclo, coconut oil, we did some milk but it didn't last long, casseroles Stage 3 soup, no more biokult, ferments, fclo, coconut oil, casseroles, avocado, cooked not necessarily boiled meat, still soft though Stage 4 soup, ferments, fclo, coconut oil, casseroles, avocado, cooked not necessarily boiled meat, eggs Stage 5 soup, ferments, fclo, coconut oil, casseroles, avocado, cooked not necessarily boiled meat, eggs, raw veggies Stage 6 soup, ferments, fclo, coconut oil, casseroles, avocado, cooked not necessarily boiled meat, eggs, raw veggies, nuts Stage 7 soup, ferments, fclo, coconut oil, casseroles, avocado, cooked not necessarily boiled meat, eggs, raw veggies, nuts, cooked fruit We might add in some honey at stage 7 also. So really in some ways we are moving really slow. No one had any issues with raw veggies last time, or avocados. I did have issues with eggs. I will probably not add on eggs until stage 6 or 7. We are kinda hoping that we can be at stage 7 by the time we go to our next conference. It is going to be kinda tough and we may do a little bit of intro again when we get back. Can I say how good it makes me feel to hear Gwendy ask for more soup? Very happy. Everyone is gassy though. I am trying to figure out why. Is it just our probiotics? I am not sure. But we will be going on ferments after today and I think our system handles it better. I'm not as worried about being gassy after ferments. It is sometimes hard to remember to add it in. But just like the coconut oil I need to get good about remembering it. I did start my period. I remember my first couple of periods on gaps last time, they were not fun. It actually does not surprise me that I am having die off right before my period. It is a time of cleansing, it happens. I think it is always harder during this time. So yeah. So far not so bad. I am hoping for not too horrible cramps. The girls are doing better. Gwendy actually ate 3 bowls of soup. Their energy seems better, but they are still slightly picky at each other. Lunch was great. The girls can really tear into some meat and veggies. If this diet didn't have so much to do with stock, they would rock it. I am sitting down to a small glass of kombucha. It is such a wonderful drink. I think I am going to work up to drinking a glass with every meal. Of course right now I am drinking it after my meal. I think we need to start more buchy. I'm feeling slightly better, not as sick. But still odd aches and pains at random places and the feeling that I would rather go lay down than do anything. Jack got home and he is having issues with stomach aches after every meal. He thinks it is beef but I am wondering if he needs digestive enzymes. Hopefully he can remember. The girls ate a ton of food at dinner. Jack and I did not eat. We just do not seem very hungry. I think a lot of mine is being sick. Things seem more normal tonight. Who knows, maybe one day soon I can have a non-screaming fit day. It would be nice. Meant to mention. I noticed this a few days ago. The girls lips are much redder. Summary Me: better. Not great. Frustrated. Annoyed. At least physically I am feeling better. Jack: lethargic, stomach ache after two of three meals. Natalie: Good. No problems with anything, horseradish was good. Good. Layla: Good. No headaches, no tummy aches, Everything sounded very good. All the food was delicious. Gwendy: good. didn't feel bad, no belly ache, no headache, not sick and not feeling bad. (gwendy has been very hungry at night and cranky in the mornings. We actually have some food so I am letting her eat to her hearts content, or ata least going to try. She is on her 5th hamburger, maybe 6th. She has been eating a lot.)

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