Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 7, stage 2

So it is Saturday. Wow, today did not start good. Actually, it was bad since I went to sleep. It is amazing how I can torture myself, isn't it? I had again way too much coconut concentrate last night. Will I learn? Anyway, my stomach was NOT happy with me. Of course, it isn't just the fat, coconut is very powerful and I think at least that I was running a fever along with it all. I was sweating, felt achy and just horrible. I didn't sleep well. I felt much better when I woke up though. So I cut up some chicken, we had no broth for soup this morning. I made the carrot, beet base and then added in some broccoli and cauliflower. Some italian herbs and it was tasty. Everyone ate well. Layla and Natalie got 3 probiotics, Gwendy and Jack had 2 and I had 4. Layla has a slight headache, but she says it is barely there. Everyone is in a mood though. It is not fun. But hopefully it gets better. I am craving food. Not even anything specific. I just want something. I think that is why I ended up with too much coconut again. You know, last time I kept cheating with nuts. I so wanted nuts. They made my stomach hurt but they didn't do this. Of course I was better and would only eat like 5. This time, I think because I keep telling myself how wonderful coconut is, I can't stop. sigh. Maybe I will be better today. Oh and oddly, I have this weird runny nose. It doesn't feel like a cold or like allergies, but my nose is draining. Lunch, late lunch was good, made a kind of curry again, this is our third time with coconut milk, Jack's first thought. It was a couple of hours later, but he has heartburn. I am totally craving food. We are missing out on the dollar show in town because I don't think we could handle the smell of popcorn. In fact, my mouth is watering thinking of it. There are so many things on GAPs that I could eat and feel good about but not yet!!! I am trying to stay strong. Today may be my hardest day so far. Really, it shouldn't surprise me. I should start my period in the next week or so and this is always a hard time for me. If I can make it through the next two weeks I should be good. But this is hard. Really hard. We are having chicken again for dinner and I want beef. Or chocolate. sigh and double sigh. The girls have been acting better than this morning though. Which is a good thing. So after dinner Jack and I feel bloated and gassy. We made peppermint tea for everyone but the girls had no problems. I have had coconut milk before, so I actually think it might be the addition of cauliflower. Hopefully, we can figure this out. The girls and I each had a 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil in our dinners. That is my slow movement to 3 T a day for each of us. No one had any headaches or anything, so tomorrow maybe we will do it twice. Tomorrow I also think we will try a casserole. Yea!!! summary Me: too much coconut concentrate the night before really kicked my ass. And maybe cauliflower also did. All in all though today I feel pretty good and seem more motivated that I usually am. I feel I had decent patience for what was not a nice day. Jack: After lunch stomach cramps and heartburn. All over body ache. Mid upper back and neck especially. Mood fine, a little snappy. Decent energy. Natalie: High energy, still snotty nose. Dehydrated. Had a hard time looking at food in books. Layla: Not having much patience, high energy. Like most days, happy and then all of a sudden not happy, mostly in morning and evenings. Tummy hurted once, but it was gone in a couple of minutes. Gwendy: still wanted what we can't have on Gaps which was oatmeal with sugar and mint and frozen berries and basil. Headache while we were driving in the car.

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