Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 6 stage 2

Today is going well so far, it is noon and we are sitting down to our first meal. Which the girls seemed happy with. Not that they weren't hungry, they were just alright with waiting. The doctor who came up with GAPs says that you shouldn't eat before 10 am. She says that your body detoxes from 4 to 10. Whether that is true or not, not sure. But we did find when we did GAPs before that we were fine with this. The first few days we could not do this as we were just too hungry. I have to say that after my one bowl of soup I am full. No, not full, satisfied. We also each had two small pickle rounds and one pickled green bean. There is some juice in their soups also. Today I did lots of stock, a half a beet and a good number of carrots blended. Then I chopped our last kohlrabi and the rest of the turkey. We need to go shopping. We need veggies. Today, Natalie and Layla each had two probiotics, Gwendy had one. Jack had a whole one also. No issues. Layla did say that she had a slight stomach ache after having the ferments, but it hasn't even been an hour and it is gone. Gwendy has been having issues with behavior. being just a little grumpy. In fact, I think everyone may be a little short today. Not really fun. Natalie is still sick and has been rubbing her nose to the point of it being really red. I have to admit that I am tired and had a short time of sneezing and my nose running. Maybe we are getting sick, maybe it is the diet. Who knows? We just got some coconut oil and I am hoping to add that to our diet slowly. So one more thing. But it is a small thing. I think we could all just more fat, and I'm talking about healthy fat here, in our diets. I know that since I have tried to get more fat in us is about the time that we have been not as hungry. So having another healthy alternative is nice. I am exhausted, probably too fast on ferments. Gwendy was begging for some more and craving for a snack. I gave her a couple of rounds, so we all had a few more. Nobody is having issues, but I am tired. Of course it could be going to fast on coconut oil too. I don't mind though because I have yet to have an symptoms like this. So I can deal. I am just tempted to go lay down, but we are still homeschooling. Oh well. The girls decided to do extra today since they only had today and one more day of their trimester, so they are actually doing two days of school. They are doing pretty well with it though. They do decide this somewhat often. It is nice because it gives me the whole weekend to look at what the second trimester is going to bring. Yes, my children are short of temper today. It sucks. Oh my. Yes, too much coconut or too much ferments. I'm exhausted, body aches feel like absolute crap. I want to go to sleep but Jack should be home soon and we need to go shopping. Funny how I am cruising along on biokult but ferments are kicking my ass. Goes to show that real food means more. I don't think we will buy another thing of bio kult. Of course it could be coconut oil too. Or maybe I am getting the cold that Natalie has. But it was really very sudden so I don't think so. So everyone ate dinner well. Really well. I survived shopping. Hopefully we have enough veggies for I won't even say a week. But maybe. I'm hoping we are good on meat too. I have to say that stock, carrots and a half a beet blended "tomato soup" has become a big hit. Big hit. Maybe bigger than adding coconut milk. So that makes me happy. It is so nice to see them excited about soup again. Though I had a slight fail. I thought we had enough soup. And then tonight at seven everyone got hungry again. Usually, they are getting ready for bed and not. But they were and they almost licked the pot clean. I feel bad about that. But I have nothing prepared. This is when it would be nice to have something besides soup that we can have. Soon I think. We are moving pretty well. summary Me: today has been rough. I started to feel better at night, but still have a slight headache. So pretty sure it was overdoing it on something. So odd to see what kicks you in the ass. Energy was really low today and patience was too. Tomorrow Jack will be home and hopefully I can get some help. Of course we won't have school to do either. I think, I hope, it will be nice to have a break. Jack: Not very hungry, busy day only one bowl of soup at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Energy moderate. no real cravings. Lower stomach pain at end of day possibly from cheat yesterday. Natalie: good day( I think she is the only one to have one) had a small problem with ferments or coconut oil. High energy ate all my soup. Doing a good job with soup. enough patience but not a lot. Layla: Very excited about adding on ferments. Loving and wanting more of the soup. A little hungry. Cravings have gone down a little bit. Not liking the coconut. Feeling like I want stuff when I was walking down baking isle. Gwendy: Grumpy day, no patience and lots of tantrums. I wanted something that didn't have smooshy things in it, like carrots. Ate good amounts of soup. I wanted some sugar and start eating oatmeal with sugar. Cravings have gone down. Wants guacamole and some apples.

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