Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 21, stage 5

So Jack stayed the night at DR. The girls ended up in my bed. We all slept well though. Gwendy however peed in my bed. That should have given me a thought as to how my morning was going to go. I started making a lot of hamburgers, beef and pork. We have food to bring with us today. The girls were eating well until Gwendy got upset that Layla had more mustard than she did. That is where we are now. Gwendy is freaking out on her bed. Really freaking out. She just came back to the table and is trying to eat. But the damage is already done to me at least. I am done for the day. But we have to go back to the auction, meeting Jack and DR people there, to pick up more stuff. I still can't eat. I just don't feel up to it. But life must go on. We have things we need to do today. It just totally sucks. Again posting on the day after. You know, life is decently slow here. It really is. But when life goes fast, it goes fast. I left shortly after writing that. We did have enough food with the hamburgers for the girls. However, I did not eat again. Even though we were gone from 10:30 and didn't get back until after 8. We ended up eating at Main Street AGAIN! Uggg! This weekend has kinda sucked. I feel like we haven't had a chance to breath. We ate well though. Though we did end up with sweet potato fries and regular ones. We just split them across the table. So no one got that many. No one seemed to have any issues. Jack was given a 6 pack of beer from someone. He drank 3 and gave away the rest. We did a lot of physical work though. It was hard, really hard. But I have to say that I had much more energy than I would have had before gaps. I didn't feel like I was going though jello. I don't know. I need to get caught up and write todays blog post.

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