Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 5, stage 2

So yesterday everyone was pretty much not hungry. Having a lot of issues with it also. So I sat down with the girls today to ask them what would help. Gwendy said she wanted Mexican. Layla said she wanted curry. Spices aren't supposed to be on intro. But when all they are asking for is to have some flavor in their food, how can I argue? We usually eat a very wide variety of tastes. So yeah, I can understand that. So we decided that instead of doing avocado next, we would do coconut milk and have some curry. I know it isn't really stage 2, but it is going to be our stage two. Since eggs are out of the question for awhile, this is just how we are going to go. We are making progress. Today Gwendy got a half probiotic, since she had a headache yesterday. I took two and the girls each took one. Jack also took a half since his stomach had some issues with it too. Everyone woke up pretty well today. I am surprised because last time it was not so. Of course we did intro during one of Washington's heat waves, it was pretty miserable. So maybe that had a lot to do with it. This time we are much more normal. I am slightly worried, tonight is potluck and there will be no meat or stock there I am sure. But we knew that going in. Once a week we won't be following the diet for one meal. I just hope that our stomachs can handle it tonight. So we have had curry twice today. Kids are eating. I feel kinda scared about it since we introed beets, coconut milk and spices today, but no one is having any issues so far. I will say I feel like insanely better. Like clearer. I do feel slightly worn out in one way though. I am so tired of having to remind my children to eat. They used to be such good eaters and I am tired of it. I remember it from last time and I know once we get some more things in they will do better, but damnit, I want a freakin vacation from it. I feel like I am making so many decisions and I'm done. The girls report no headaches or signs of die off after doubling their dose of probiotics. That is good news. I did not have any issues either. So we will probably add up tomorrow too. Though I just looked at what it would look like when we all get to therapeutic level that we are supposed to get to. We would go through a box of 120 in three days. We are supposed to stay at this level for 6 months. That would be 600 boxes. I don't think we can do that. Like at all. I think I will start fermenting more foods. That is kinda crazy. Anyway, sorry for that side thought. I have forgotten to mention that Natalie shows signs of sensory issues, learning disabilities and the such. She is constantly putting things in her mouth, she can't do anything if there is noise around and she has to keep moving. It makes homeschooling difficult but I know it would make school impossible. I have noticed her the past few days putting more things in her mouth. I know a lot of times it gets worse before better. So they all did pretty good today. Jack had a moment of weakness, he ate some pizza. It was a rough day at work, he had eaten all his soup and well there was pizza. Dinner was good. I made stock with carrots, beets, onions and pureed it. It looked like tomatoes so I added some basil and oregano and then some turkey and kohlrabi. It was pretty amazing and the girls had more than one bowl. YEA!!! Small victories matter. We didn't go to potluck, Jack was still at work late. It is probably a good thing, but yeah. so summary Me: Felt overwhelmed a few times today. Choices and things were just too much. I really felt like there was just way too much happening for awhile. My throat hurts. I am not sure if it is coconut or when I was yelling for Natalie. One of the things that happened today, I thought she was outside and was running around trying to find her, she was inside. I got a little panicked. So we will see how my throat feels tomorrow. Other than all the extra crap, good day. Jack: Worked hard and was very hungry, ate soup quickly, cheated with pizza. Stomach fine, mood okay. Natalie: High energy, woke up good. Slightly snotty nose. School went easier, better and I learned more. Slightly low patience. Layla: cravings, wanting something besides soup. Though all the meals were tasty, the curry was good and the pizza soup was good. No tummy aches, no headaches and very happy and then not. High energy. Focusing better. Gwendy: still wanted some stuff, chocolate, reeses. I couldn't stop clearing my throat. I thought the coconut would help me. And also I wanted some oranges, and a cutie(small orange). Gwendy also said that the soups were really good.

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