Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day 35, stage who the f cares?

So Thursday went okay. I can't remember what we ate, sorry. At potluck we had pinto beans, cornbread, no gluten, but a lot of eggs, rice with veggies and what I made, sweet potatoes with pecans and cranberries. This recipe could easily be adapted for gaps. With squash. It was good. I did have a headache pretty much as soon as we finished eating. Friday was, well. Yeah. We drove Joan to the bus station and did some shopping. We found an amazing health food store in F airfield. Oh my goodness how did we not know it was there? It is amazing. For so many different reasons. Anyway we went shopping and my weakness, Fairfield has 3!!! Indian Restaurants. We ate Indian. We did have some sunflower seeds too, we needed some snack and that what was available. So yeah. We tried some yogurt last night also. Which may not have been a good idea since we had cheated and how are we supposed to know if we were having issues from Indian or from yogurt? Silly of us, I know. Natalie did seem to have a stomach ache after the yogurt, but again it could have been from Indian. Anyway, I have been emotionally down and for no good reason. Yes, I know this can be part of die off. I have severe emotional issues, or should I say I have in my life and it probably needs to be worked out. It has been hard to be the one who is being the cheerleader of everyone lets me great on GAPs. WoohOOO!! Not really. Today was better, kinda. At least we stayed on the diet, mostly. We went to a burn workshop. We brought soup and fat delight. So we had food and it was good. Oh I also had coffee with coconut milk. Oh it was good. Very good and soothing. I needed it. Though after we got back from the class I got slightly violently ill. It wasn't pleasant and I feel slightly better now. Not sure what it was from. We are eating light tonight, broccoli with some ranch I made from our yogurt. I also made some smoothies with the rest of the yogurt and some blackberries. So yeah. Jack asked me today if I was really feeling better this time around. He hasn't. I have. My stomach aches are gone. I feel less crappy in general and up until a few days ago I could breath out of my nose. I am not sure if it is dairy that is doing it or if I am fighting something. I have been snotty though. The girls have been riled. They really have too much energy and have been hyper active. I am not sure about this. I really wish I knew what we needed to eat, what was best for us to eat. Sometimes I just don't know. I have come to realize in the past few days that in regards to pretty much everything in life, there is no one answer. Between diets, lifestyles, religions everything, there is no one answer. So where does that leave us? With no answers unless we keep figuring out what works and doesn't. Hmmm. I hope I get out of my dumps soon. They suck. I do remember going through this last time, and having a hard time being the one who had to keep us all happy on the diet.

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