Sunday, February 5, 2012

Day 29, stage 1

Probably thought I had just given up, eh? Let me tell you, it was hard the past three days. I almost don't want to talk about it. We were bad. Though we did the best we could. We ate a good breakfast the day we left. Lunch was provided by Chiptole. It was good, mostly because there were huge salads. We all did eat a half burrito though, most of us took off the flour tortilla though. Dinner however was daunting. We were HUNGRY, and Jack couldn't stop talking. Okay, we had met some really great people. We really didn't feel that we could eat at the expensive restaurant, so we went to the food court. We figured we could at least stay gf if we went to the Mexican one. It was good, but of course we had beans, rice and sour cream. Very interesting, I could feel my body producing tons of mucous. Oh it was gross. So gross. The next day we ate breakfast at the union grill, they get most of their stuff organic, local and such. We ate mostly legal, though full gaps. Eggs, meat, veggies, fruits. It was a good buffet and we decided to do it the next day also. We also pre-ordered our lunch, again mostly legal. We only had an hour to eat. Dinner at the conference was good. There wasn't much in the way of meat, one meat had pasta in it and the other was tillapia. Everyone else besides me ate that. I really have issues with fish and it didn't help that it was in a cream of mushroom sauce. Ick. Our first real sugar though happened that night. Apple crisp. I couldn't resist it. It very possibly had gluten too. So we ate breakfast the next day at the union grill, buffet again and had lunch at the conference. Again, they were really good. They had salads at every meal, so we all filled our plates as much as we could with salad. The also had pork, which was good. We stayed away from the bread pudding. Dinner we on the road, so we stopped at Wendy's and got chili and fries, though Jack got a burger, he was driving and didn't want to mess with soup. I got us all frosty's too. I noticed a huge difference in how I was craving by just the little amounts of sugar that we had ended up with. The girls had eaten a lot of lara bars. It was just bad. They were so and whiny about it. I could so see their yeastie beasties coming out. Of course I could see mine too. All of us were having digestive issues and we were tired, Jack was feeling achey and fatigued. It just wasn't good. We decided that once we got back we would go back on stage one, at least until we were feeling better. Oddly, we are back now. It is 11:18 am and no one has eaten, okay Jack and I had a handful of nuts, I know, slapping our hands, not on stage one. But last night I pulled out meat and it is still cooking. Anyway, after three days of complaining about being hungry. The girls haven't said anything about being hungry and haven't eaten yet. They are quietly playing. Nicely, or at least mostly. We haven't done anything yet today. It is a total bum day I am guessing. Though I think we will have to go shopping since we have nothing but carrots. So yeah, interesting, isn't it? I am almost curious how far we would go before they mentioned being hungry. Well, around noon I finally asked them and they were kinda hungry. I had already started stuff. It was still awhile and no one really ate until 4. Okay, we did eat some summer sausage. I wanted it out of the way. It was given to us at the conference. I checked out our kombucha and some was ready and carbonated. Very yum. It seems pretty mild though. But I was kinda hoping that it would help. I am craving. It was a good soup though. Beef, carrots, peas tomatoes and pizza spices. We are doing pretty much stage one, but I am not as worried about going slow on the veggies and such. We have been munching on soup the whole night. The girls have insane energy. Jack and I have been bumming though. I am still craving. Kombucha usually helps, but it just isn't. I have been eating a decent amount of soup also. Still not helping. I'm starting to get antsy. I ended up making myself butter, coconut oil some honey, vanilla and cinnamon. It really helped. I didn't need much. I think just really needed some fat. Really needed fat. Probably about a tablespoon and my tummy is full in a way it hasn't been. Summary Me: Interesting day. Funny how almost a month a gaps and then having regular food messes you up. I was craving a lot today but fat came to my rescue. I read something interesting today about how fat should be more than half our calories. I think I am going to try and be more proactive about getting lots of fat. I can add animal fat to my soups but I think I need more fat. Coconut oil and butter need to play a big part, but I can't eat them without some flavor. Jack: Physical energy levels not high, all over body aches, headaches, short temper. Not hungry. Natalie: good. not very hungry. No headaches or anything. When I did eat food, it was good. Layla: good. Very high energy. Soup was delicious. No headaches, no belly aches. Gwendy: good. we ate a lot of bad stuff now we are on stage one.I'm happy that we are going to be on stage one because momma's soup is so good. I did not pay her to say that.

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